"Google Dance" is a term that is referred to illustrate the algorithmic index update of the Google search engine. The updating of Google index occurs in regular and unvarying intervals of time. Moreover, earlier Google's index was updated once in every single month. Google Dance is said to happen when Google indexes are updated. Also, it is quite influential phenomenon as after each interval of time the fluctuations due to updating of Google Index in result positions are quite observable. The process of the Google Dance takes place through as many as 10,000 servers and it is not possible for Google to proceed the update from all those servers simultaneously, and therefore servers are to be updated one after another for the new index.

One can easily make out the noteworthy changes in the Google search engine results and Google's cache that covers all the indexed pages is quite helpful in discovering the status of Google index’s last spidering. The procedure for updating indexes takes several days to cover one index update. While the updating is in processing, the old and the new indexes appear alternatively on the Google search web. While in the initial stages, the updated fluctuations or SERPs are irregularly visible, but later on they appear with a greater frequency. Apart from this, the incompatibilities shared by the various Google data centers during the updating process also affect Google dancing. The algorithmic calculations are done about 40 times to ensure results.
The prime reason for the phenomenon of Google Dance can be considered as the Google's style of operating the Domain Name System (DNS). There are presently 12 different data centers where more than 10000 servers are placed. These centers are mainly located in America and Europe. The vital role that is played by the Domain Name System is that it accounts for the IP addresses for various data centers. In order to avoid the inefficiency of theoretical answering of queries at Google, DNS operates on IP addresses which are the numerical addresses allotted to the data centers on the internet. When the Google search engine is asked a query, the IP address of only one server is reverted back in response. Via this system, different data centers are utilized by changing the DNS records.
Google comprises two other searchable servers that form a part of www.google.com. These are www2.google.com and www3.google.com. In the usual days, the search engine results shared by all the 3 Google servers are same i.e they have stable DNS records, but during the Google dancing, difference can be clearly observed. The updating process and creating an entirely new index is a quite troublesome task, for this Google needs to spider approximately billions of documents and has to process 1000s of gigabytes of data. As a result, examining the newly updated index is practically inevitable. So, www2 and www3 Google Search engines are made to exhibit the new index to those folks who are keen in minute-to-minute changes in the upcoming rankings.
The newly updated search results are demonstrated by www2.google.com and www3.google.com and after the completion of the phenomenon of Google dancing, www.google.com starts showing the regular index update. Furthermore, one cannot guarantee minor fluctuations as index of one data centre is not utterly equal to the index of the other data center. When the Google dancing is in process, the Google spider reviews each and every website, makes out the count of the sites linked to that very site and also checks into the relevance of these links. Every month the Google search engine results vary due to the continuous Google crawling and updating of the preferred pages. One needs to confirm that all the web pages are present during the Google dancing and are not sent for maintenance. This is because if your site will incorporate informative and appealing text, number of valuable links and various such things then Google dancing will surely turnout as a golden opportunity to let you acquire top ranking and drive heavy traffic.
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