Search Engine Optimization is the process of renovating website's in order to include relevant keywor- ds, content, site activities, and link backs, which draw the attention of major search engines and help to get your website ranked high on the list of results that search engines present to searchers or visitors. Getting traffic to your website is the most important factor that contributes to your website's success. Because traffic is so important, ranking in the top search engine results for keywords and keyword phrases that relate to your website must be the primary concern of website owners because a high ranking is the best way to get traffic, hands down; without paying for each click/visit.
SEO is a pre-requisite to effective SEM. Its the first part in SEM process and involves in performing market research, and refining keyword phrases to maximize what SEO professionals refer to as "keyword density" and minimize the effects of "keyword dilution." SEO involves editing links, content, and sometimes structure of a website to get the site prepared for marketing. SEO is commonly known to have a direct impact on organic marketing efforts with SEM, but unbeknownst to many business owners and even some web developers, the quality of a website's SEO will often affect the price of pay-per-click marketing as well.
For example suppose if you want to sell any of your product so make sure that your website is rich with content that includes lots of different appropriate keywords to promote particularly the product. Users will type an specific keyword, or keyword phrase and search engine displays to the user the relevant websites. Choosing the best keywords can have a substantial impact on your bottom line. Good keywords can improve your traffic volume, total sales and conversion rates. Also need to keep in mind that SEO is continuous process, its nothing like if you have done once so your roll is over rather time to time you need to update your website's content.
Search engines generally look at three criteria to determine a website's placement in the rankings: text features, link features, and traffic (or popularity) features. All three comprise the search engine merit of a website. All three comprise the search engine merit of a website. After briefly explaining some important things about SEO, one can see why websites should be optimized. This is important because people trust search engines and most of the time users only like visit the websites that are listed on the first or second page of search results, and the top one to six listings obviously get the most traffic. Because users are looking for products or information on search engines, the search traffic is targeted by each search company, thereby giving users the best search experience.